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IBM Cloud - Structured Ideas

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against IBM Cloud and its products. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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All ideas

Showing 490

Java Buildpack with Maven

There is no existing Java buildpack that uses Maven. This is frequently asked for by Java developers.
about 8 years ago in  2 Not under consideration

Provide a path to migrate a virtual machine between regions

On dW Answers, a customer said that they need the ability to migrate their VM from US South to EU-GB. You can see the thread at the following URL:
about 8 years ago in Virtual Servers 0 Not under consideration

Implement a Bluemix "refrigerator" o "trash can" for accidental deleted apps or projects

Accidental deleting is something that happens, our operative systems providers know it well. To have a "second chance" of recovering deleted apps or projects there should be a trash can to roll back to previous state.
about 8 years ago in Core Platform Services 1 Not under consideration

Improve service status

Periodically cf push fails often -- and it's difficult to debug why it's failing (whether it's a problem with my code, or with the service) As late as yesterday I had a problem where doing a cf push on a python runtime failed more than 10 times in...
about 8 years ago in  1 Not under consideration

Enhance samples to include instructions for Eclipse developers

Samples for MFP and hybrid mobile applications should always include a path for the Eclipse IDE developer. This feedback is from MFP customers is that they are accustomed to developing MFP applications and adapters using Eclipse based tools.
about 8 years ago in Templates & Best Practises 1 Not under consideration

DataPower Segmentation

Currently the Access Point to a Bluemix Local instance is based on a Datapower pair (HA configuration). This DP pair is facing all the input traffic to Applications deployed on Bluemix, although this traffic belongs to different Organizations that...
about 8 years ago in Core Platform Services 1 Not under consideration

Create a "bluemix" Ansible module for automating app and service deployments

I recently wrote a blog that explored the possibility of using Ansible to handle provisioning and deployment orchestration for IBM Bluemix container apps. You can find the article and demo code here:
about 8 years ago in Core Platform Services 1 Not under consideration

Bring back the Bluemix GIT / DevOps link in the app view

Where did the GIT link go? There is no way to find the link any more. Please bring it back. It was really useful and now it's gone!
about 8 years ago in DevOps 1 Not under consideration

Notify you by email if a service fails

A forum post asked whether there was a feature in Bluemix for sending service alerts by email. The request comes from the following Stack Overflow post that is centered on the Secure Gateway service:
about 8 years ago in Core Platform Services 4 Not under consideration

DEAs Isolation

1. Isolate at network level, DEA Containers & DEA Pools belonging to different Organizations at 2. Isolate at network level DEA Pools belonging to different Orgs from Cloud Foundry Control Components of the Bluemix instance.
about 8 years ago in Core Platform Services 5 Not under consideration