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IBM Cloud - Structured Ideas

This portal is to open public enhancement requests against IBM Cloud and its products. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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We invite you to shape the future of IBM, including product roadmaps, by submitting ideas that matter to you the most. Here's how it works:

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All ideas

Showing 233

Allow students to get credits without credit card details

Students are increasingly using cloud services for educational purpose. However, many a times credit card becomes a hurdle since students usually don't own a one. Therefore, if IBM cloud could consider allowing students to subscribe for $200 credi...
about 4 years ago in Billing 2 Delivered

When creating portable storage need the device path to be noted along with the new strorage device

When one creates new storage for a VM would like to be able to navigate to the storage VM's storage list and see the OS path to the new storage. This helps in quickly setting up the new storage via fdisk and is also good for future reference if ev...
about 4 years ago in Block Storage 0 Delivered

Push Notification Service Monitoring through IBM Cloud Sysdig

We want to monitor push notification service instance and the api endpoints, and currently there is no native IBM Solution which can monitor and send alerts to email DL. Request to support push notification service in IBM Cloud Sysdig Monitoring,
about 4 years ago in  4 Delivered

New SKUs for LogDNA

LogDNA has been working with Alex Parker about 2 new SKUs for IKS baremetal. Hot: 32x384, 1.9TB SSD secondary, 3.8TB SSD local Cold: 32x384, 1.9TB SSD secondary, 6x3.8TB SSD local THis idea is to faciliate status updates between IBM and LogDNA
over 4 years ago in Bare Metal 0 Delivered

Bare metal GPU pricing is misleading - can be more transparent

The Bare Metal GPU pricing on this webpage: seems to be misleading. For example, the price for a NVIDIA Tesla 32 GB V100 + Dual Intel Xeon E5-4110 starts from USD 519/mo. However, when I configure the same mach...
over 4 years ago in  0 Delivered

Audit logs to be collet in LogDNA Activity Tracker Instance for Push Notification

number:CS1783140 Feature to add where Account Audit logs can be colleted in LogDNA Activity Tracker Instance.
over 4 years ago in  7 Delivered

Missing specific information in the logs related to Cloud Object Storage

On viewing the log details in Activity Tracker for cloud-object-storage, we see that the log captures the changes have been made to COS, but not exacly what changes have been made. Eg: We whitelist an IP address to the COS Firewall. We see that th...
over 4 years ago in Cloud Object Storage 4 Delivered

Worker node shape on Kubernetes

We want to use 8GB RAM worker node shapes. None are available.
over 4 years ago in Containers 7 Delivered

Create private IPs for private Endpoints

One of the problems of private endpoints is that we cannot reach to them easily from our on-premises applications because their IPs are in the 166. range that is public. You can create a VIP (virtual ip) inside a VPC/subnet so any traffic to that ...
over 4 years ago in  2 Delivered

Option to disallow bucket listing for public buckets

We want to be able to have public files in our buckets, but disallow listing the files by going to a folder.
over 4 years ago in Block Storage 0 Delivered